VOBIGPARTY! Can Only Do What We Can.
A Big congradulations to @igusachan and all that attended www.otokomatsuri.info 11 month early 20th Memorial VO release party! I've said at times, "come Hell or high water I'll do it!"(wanting to go to the party). But in this case, the Hell and high water happened to be the entire Pacific ocean that stopped me from saying, I'll do it. Never-the-less the party must go on and of course... it did, without me. All I have is my imagination of how the festivities went. Nice place with friends/opponents, talk a little smack, have a few drinks and some grub, yeah that's what I imagine. Well anyway, to memorialize the occasion, a video has been created! Actually anyone can make their own video cele

brating VOBIGPARTY. Just excute the app on the STREAMS page just like I did! For those who just want to see a video, the download link is here: ge.tt/6b8bfy62/v/0?t The rest... use the app yourself! For a limited time!
Maybe I'll say, "come Hell or high water" next year...?!