Twin Stick... A Controller Operated by Enthusiasts! Or Something Else?
Always love the Twin Stick! But this week, I was challenged to understand the stick I had seen. The operator of this Electric Cat stick,...

2015/12/22...Any Chance This Calendar Date becomes a Sega Celebrated Memorial Sized Great Day?
365 days until Virtual-On's 20th Memorial. Sega has been watching other game developers produce mecha battler games since their 2001...

VOBIGPARTY! Can Only Do What We Can.
A Big congradulations to @igusachan and all that attended www.otokomatsuri.info 11 month early 20th Memorial VO release party! I've said...

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25121038 バーチャロン・ONE-MAN-RESCUEのOP(仮) (瓦さんごめんなさい) 今年でオラタンリリースから15年ってことで、ちまちま作ってみました。バーチャロン・OMRのOPです。(実...

The 90's wasn't all bad. Pelikan13 shows a bit was good!
Twistedsymphony, member of Oratan Forums files a report that catches the eye. The 90's Arcade Racer developer Pelikan13 whose game is...
VIRTUALON-MEGACORP WELCOMES YOU TO THE NEW HOME OF EVERYTHING \\ VIRTUAL-ON // They say Rome wasn't built in a day. I can rightfully...

What did you tell Santa you want for Christmas?
If it was to get you Temjin D-SPEC for Christmas, the wait shouldn't be long now! Seems like a tradition, Japan manufacturer to release a...