ORATAN.COM 1st. Winter Classic is Today!
Mirriored on VO-MC website is Oratan Fourms. The major Virtual-On and member website communication in the West. It's The Boss that says we have a kinda kinship with Oratan and that we are to support them. We are late getting started. But we do what we do.
The WORLD's VO Pilots to fight to the top! Pilots across the globe join the fight! Canada, Japan, Finland, France and the US are all are repesented! This will be the one tourney to watch friends!
The announcement: http://www.oratan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1588
The Player Brackets: http://challonge.com/oratanwc2016
Stream pages for the Oratan.com 1st Winter Classic
May find at the following:
Good luck to all that participate in todays battles!