International VOOT "DEATH TOWER" 死亡の塔 PORCUPINE Challenge, The VIDEO!
VIDEO NOTES: Original Stream Broadcast was on Niconico in Japan. Their bit-rate limitations Kills HD resolution options to...

Aru Majutsu No Index / Cyber troopers Virtual-On
March 9th Sega of Japan sends out official announcement of collaboration To Aru Majutsu No Index / Cyber troopers Virtual-On ...
VO-MC's VO DOJO & Arcade FORCE 4 Tournament!
Dojo full of food, drink, friends, family and Virtual-On arcades. After a few hours of indulging our selves in a few mortal sins and...
Oratan.com 1st Winter Classic VOOT Group B battles thru Grand Finals (Bootleg Video)
Picciotti brought me this video. I suspect it was lifted, poor image quality and glitches. No one admits to nothin here. But claims he...

ORATAN.COM 1st. Winter Classic is Today!
Mirriored on VO-MC website is Oratan Fourms. The major Virtual-On and member website communication in the West. It's The Boss that says...

Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram 5.2 East Vs. West... Mistake?
VO-MC has been busy aquiring goods to create a VO-Dojo for the Boss... a battle ground of sorts. Many hours of web searching, traveling,...

I wish to compete and eat! But... mucho dinero for the plane ticket and my passport revoked, I'll just sit here and watch Twitter for...

Existing Virtual-On Have A Chance on New Gen Console?
Microsoft, who has all 3 Virtual-On arcade games available on it's Xbox 360 is introducing Backward Compatibility to the Xbox One. A...

Uploaded videos of Comiquette Special 6 OMG20 Anniversary Convention Competition Videos!
やまざき @taihei_ya on Twitter and his Youtube Channel! See all Match Recordings Posted here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_jv_p4DOJ5XN...

This POST is SUPPORT of Pilots in Japan & Virtual-On 20th!
http://virtual-on-omg.peatix.com バーチャロン20周年記念OMG大会 in コミケSP6 初代バーチャロン大会 13時試合開始 Description 2015年はコミックマーケット40周年ですが、 ...